Sometimes I need to be reminded of the following, as explained by Warren Ellis on his tumblr page.
willsee90 asked:
What are your thoughts on plot? Breaking rules, especially structural ones, leads to great works, but every story has some kind of structure and thus a set of rules, even if they’re wholly its own. What do you make sure to do when coming up with plots, and what are some plot elements you generally hate/see as too easy? And do you ever use those element if they fit?A:
You need to stop obsessing about plot and structure. They are signposts and supports, not writing stories. There was a guy who’d yell over and over again that Stories Are Structure, but his own writing never rose above the shape and quality of a middling James Bond film. Stories are not nothing but structure. Stories have to breathe. Otherwise you’re publishing nothing but nicely-dressed checklists.